Painting of The Ninth Of November1888 in the style of William Logsdail

£5,285 GBP

Introducing our oil painting on canvas, "The Ninth of November 1888," in the style of William Logsdail. It captures the grandeur of the Lord Mayoral Procession, past landmarks like the Bank of England and also Mansion House.

Also known for his meticulous attention to detail. To accurately depict this iconic scene, he took extraordinary measures. Including hiring professional models, immersing himself amid London traffic to observe its architecture. Spending extensive time studying the Lord Mayor’s coach, horses, and footmen in full livery.

The painting is rich with details, offering a glimpse into 19th-century life. It depicts various figures typical of the era. Such as costermongers, small children playing and pickpocketing, policemen, and beadles, all set against the backdrop of a bustling London Street. This lively portrayal of the Lord Mayoral Procession reflects the energy and diversity of Victorian London.

Also associated with a tragic event. The morning of the ninth of November, 1888, saw the discovery of Mary Kelly, the final victim of Jack the Ripper, who was found murdered just half a mile from the scene captured by Logsdail. It is believed that Mary Kelly had planned to attend the Lord Mayoral Procession later that day, adding a poignant layer of historical context to the painting.

  • Oil Painting on Canvas.
  • Painting of The Ninth Of November 1888 in style of William Logsdail.
  • Framed in a bespoke, hand made 4 inch wide Kneller metal leaf frame.

Width: 170 cm  |  Depth: 7.6 cm  |  Height: 119.4 cm

Item code: OP128-KNELLER4ML

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